Legal Notice

The website is published by CNIM SA. CNIM BABCOCK Services is a division of the CNIM Group.
Publication director : Hubert Dumas, CNIM BABCOCK Services director
CNIM – a public limited company with a capital of 6 056 220 euros
35, Rue de Bassano
75008 Paris – France
RCS Paris B662 043 595
Intra-community VAT number : FR 22 662043595
The object of this web site is to provide personal information to users. No commercial use of the data presented, in whole or in part, is authorized without the prior written consent of CNIM SA.
The presentation and content of this site taken together is one work owned by BABCOK WANSON and is protected by current legislation on intellectual property. No reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, is authorized without the prior written consent of CNIM SA.
The CNIM name as well as the CNIM logo are registered trademarks of CNIM SA. Any reproduction, use or modification of them without the prior written consent of CNIM SA may constitute an infringement of CNIM SA’s rights.
The graphical elements, photographs, pictures, texts, animated sequences with or without sound, and other documents presented on this web site are subject to the laws of industrial and/or intellectual property and are owned either by CNIM SA or by third parties having granted CNIM SA a limited authorization for their use.
Accordingly, all reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation or transformation, in whole or in part, are forbidden.
The content of the web site may be copied for personal use. Its reproduction, in part or in whole, without the prior written consent of CNIM SA is strictly forbidden.
Hosting :
Jaguar Network
71 av. André Roussin – BP 50067
13321 Marseille Cedex 16
RCS Marseille B 439 099 656
SAS au capital de 3 600 000 euros
Website design and creation :
Mayflower, marketing and communication consultants
22 rue Tronchet – 69006 Lyon – France
Lyon – Paris
Tel.: +33 (0)4 72 69 82 40